(musTh211) The welcome mat is out…

First Day odds and ends:

  • A copy of the syllabus is online.
  • Read ahead. Chapter 27 of the Gauldin is up next.
  • To post comments/replies on my blog, you have to have a WordPress account. Go to wordpress.com, follow the “Sign up Now!” link, and be sure to select “just a username, please” option at the bottom if you just want to post comments on my blog (not start your own).
  • Why do I use a blog for my course site? Check out my original welcome post for answers.
  • If you’re using a fairly up-to-date Operating System (Windows XP, Mac OS 10.3.x or 10.4.x) and Web Browser, you can subscribe to a feed of the blog, and/or of the individual category tags. That way you can easily see if I’ve posted new material without having to navigate to the site. Look under the “Subscribe” header on the lower right to bookmark feeds as they come available for this class.


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