(muMet 242) Assignment: Final Performance Project

Due Monday, April 28, during final exam time (9:45 – 11:45).

Create a live-audio performance patcher and perform it in class.

  • Your patcher must generate and manipulate digital audio from within MaxMSP. It can incorporate live audio input, and/or audio input from other software applications, but it is not required.
  • You can (and probably should) make use of your audio processing patcher (as a sub-patcher within your performance patcher, not as a plugin).
  • Your in-class performance should last around 2 minutes.
  • Document the functionality of your patcher.
  • Use sub-patchers as appropriate to organize flow and create a neat appearance.
  • Be creative and open to experiment.

Live-audio generation means that you will most likely be using buffer~-based sound playback, using either groove~ or wave~. Granular synthesis is also a possibility. Loop-based/beat-based performances are welcome, as are compositions that explore glitch and noise timbres.


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