Category: lectureNotes_cm1
(compMus1) Bailing on Studio Time
Consider this an open post so that if you need to cancel any reserved studio time you have made, you can let the rest of the class know about it. Use the comment box.
(compMus1) Turning in Your Finished Project
Once you finish your project, you need to burn an audio CD that contains your mixed project in stereo (not a data CD). convert the data file of your stereo mix to mp3, with appropriate data information entered in (title, artists[you], and composer[you]) turn in a folder containing all your data (DP files, original and…
(compMus1) My Drop Box
Here’s the procedure to turn in data files to my drop box. Connect to the musictech server (links to all the how to’s) Select the UsersMT1 volume to mount. Navigate to UsersMT1 | kkothman | Public Your view will be slightly different, since you won’t have the same write permissions. My Drop Box folder will…
(compMus1) Connecting to the musictech server
Jeff has posted some really handy entries on his blog about how to connect the musictech server. They even include pictures. So I’m not going to repost descriptions – just links to Jeff’s very good stuff. How to connect to the server from the lab or a mac on campus. How to connect from WindowsXP.…
(compMus1) Getting DP to recognize the Korg Kontrol 49
Sometimes there is a problem getting Digital Performer to recognize the Korg Kontrol 49 MIDI controller. One problem seems to be that the Korg can operate in two different modes: play mode and native mode. Scene mode is easiest to work with in terms of what external controls you can map to DP. Native mode…
(compMus1) DP snaps to grid
The default setting for DP in the sequence editor is to snap events to a grid, with the grid set to a rhythmic value (it starts with a quarter note). For your projects, you will probably want to turn that feature off. The snap-to-grid setting is towards the upper right corner of the sequence editor…
(compMus1) Listening List 1 and Quiz Announcement
I’ve gone back and forth about this decision. For the first quiz I will provide lists of work titles, composer names, and years composed. The information will be in three separate lists – not all together by work. It will look something like this, alphabetized by listing, but in three-column format: Composers John Cage Pierre…
(compMus1) Quiz 1 Review
The first quiz is on 2/5. It should take about 25 minutes, so we will have class following the quiz. From Listening List 1, know title of work, composer’s last name, and year composed. From the Chapter 5 reading, be able to list 3 of the 7 fundamental traits of electronic music, and provide a…
(compMus1) Essential Concrete Music Techniques
The book outlines five classic techniques for composing concrete music. Four techniques are derived from tape manipulation, and one is an external process. Tape Techniques Tape Splicing: allows for the re-ordering of sounds in time. Tape Echo/Delay: self-explanatory Change of Playback Speed: changes pitch and duration. Reversing of Tape Direction: also changes amplitude envelope. Process…
(compMus1) Digital Performer Audio Problems
Erica in section 2 ran into a problem over the weekend that completely shuts off digital audio in DP. The fix is easy, but you have to know where to look. If all of your soundbites have red X’s through their wavey handles (~ or double ~’s), then your audio system in DP has been…