Tag: basic

  • (maxmsp) Programming and Max Basics

    Basic things you should know about programming and Max/MSP. Programming Basics Objects act on data. They do something. The object may already contain the data it needs to act, or it may receive the data from some other object. Messages are the data being passed between objects. In Max/MSP/Jitter anything that you place into the…

  • (maxmsp) Day 1 Example Patcher

    A significantly cleaned up and commented version of the first day patcher I demo’ed is in my iLocker account. http://ilocker.bsu.edu/users/kkothman/WORLD_SHARED/mumet242/examplepatchers/day01.maxpat I made multiple versions of the patcher, incorporating add-on functionality into a new patcher for each step. Scroll down for each successively more involved patcher. I plan on using this starting patcher as my way…