Tag: maxmsp example patchers

  • (maxmsp) Demo Patchers and More Basics

    I uploaded two demo patchers to iLocker. (day03a.maxpat and day03b.maxpat) day03a just adds ctlin/ctlout and pgmout to the basic note pass through patcher from day 1. day03b adds two ways to control the toggle of the random arpeggiator patcher. The first way uses a midi key to turn the toggle on and off (user control).…

  • (maxmsp) Day 1 Example Patcher

    A significantly cleaned up and commented version of the first day patcher I demo’ed is in my iLocker account. http://ilocker.bsu.edu/users/kkothman/WORLD_SHARED/mumet242/examplepatchers/day01.maxpat I made multiple versions of the patcher, incorporating add-on functionality into a new patcher for each step. Scroll down for each successively more involved patcher. I plan on using this starting patcher as my way…