Tag: programming

  • (maxmsp) Programming and Max Basics

    Basic things you should know about programming and Max/MSP. Programming Basics Objects act on data. They do something. The object may already contain the data it needs to act, or it may receive the data from some other object. Messages are the data being passed between objects. In Max/MSP/Jitter anything that you place into the…

  • (maxmsp) Lecture Notes: coll, iter, key, timer

    Uncommented patches are in iLocker. Look for day7x-scratch.txt files. (3 files) Commented versions will follow. New objects: coll: stores lists of data with arbitrarily assignable index symbols. Lists don’t have to be same length, and through the intelligent use of symbols you can recall data with musically meaningful names. iter: like unpack, it breaks a…

  • (maxmsp) Lecture Notes: Help, Objects, and Messages

    Program Help Documentation is available in the Documentation sub-folder of the MaxMSP 4.6 application folder. The Max46Fundamentals.pdf and Max46Tutorials.pdf files are useful at the beginning. The Max46Reference.pdf covers every object available in Max. Note that documentation with the “Max” prefix refer to the non-audio objects. “MSP” labeled doc’s deal with the audio objects. Mouseover help…