Author: Keith Kothman

  • (pianoPed) assignment 1: website creation

    Draft Due Wednesday, May 14, 2012. Final Version Due Friday, May  16, 2012. Using, create a website suitable for your use as a studio teacher that includes at least three static pages and three external links visible on every page. (100 points, total) Your website must include: A picture of you. (10) At least one…

  • (max) sample and hold goodness, and some more filter fun

    It’s getting late in the semester, and I’m feeling a little punchy. sample and hold Sample and hold was/is a common unit generator on advanced analog synthesizers. When triggered, a sample and hold unit will read (sample) and output the value of an arbitrary signal input. If the input is a noise source, sample and hold…

  • (max) spectral processing in max

    Starting with version 5, Max introduced the pfft~ object, which greatly simplifies spectral processing (fft-based processing). I’ve uploaded a folder of patches,, that illustrates some basic spectral patches and processes. The pfft~ object is like the poly~ object, it uses a spectral subpatch to perform the FFT/iFFT and processing. The pfft~ object lets you…

  • (max) resonators and more poly~

    High feedback, short-time delay lines can be used to resonate specified frequencies in a source signal. It’s the principle behind the resonators module in Cecilia. Creating a usable Max patch that performs this function takes a few steps, but can produce some very interesting sonic results. To follow the discussion, you need to download the…

  • (max) end of semester patcher dump

    It’s going to be impossible to describe the backlog of patchers that I need to post. You should be able to follow them from in-class presentations and documentation in the patchers. RecordNGroove2.maxpat: introduces the dropfile object, allowing you to drag and drop audio files from your desktop finder window into a max patcher; and shows how…

  • (max) groove~ and buffer~: playing audio from RAM

    We’re transitioning from synthesis to audio playback from buffers, which allows us to manipulate and process audio in live performance. The basic object for all of these functions is buffer~. Example patcher: GrooveSimple.maxpat buffer~ buffer~ holds an audio file in RAM. The basic parameters are the buffer name, length in ms, and number of channels. The…

  • (max) project 2: synthesis

    MUST 450 (342—Computer Music II) Project 2 | Audio/Synthesis Performance Patch DUE: 3/24/14 ASSIGNMENT: to create an audio performance patch that utilizes several different methods of data manipulation and synthesis controlled by a MIDI keyboard/interface. You will perform the resulting composition in class during a performance session. GENERAL GUIDELINES: This project will build upon the…

  • (max) mapping MIDI to audio synthesis

    I’ve covered some basic audio synthesis in a previous post. Now it’s time to map MIDI note and velocity information to the synthesis process. Note and Velocity Mapping Download EnvelopeGraphicSustainNoteOnOff.maxpat. The bulk of the patcher is the same as the graphic envelope series. The only addition is a MIDI note input section in the upper left…

  • (max) basic audio, oscillators and envelopes

    Now that we’ve had a little fun with our Theremin, let’s turn to some basic synthesis with oscillators and envelope generators. The Very Basic Setup Download the BasicAudio.maxpat. This patcher provides a very basic adjustable synthesizer, with a saw~ object feeding into an audio multiply (*~). Changes to frequency and amplitude are made with float…

  • (max) theremin fun, part 2

    Continuing with the description of patchers from part 1… ThereminInProgressLCD ThereminInProgressLCD starts to convert ThereminInProgress from mousestate control to LCD drawing control. No data is being fed to saw~, so audio is not in use for this patcher. The main focus is the LCD and sprite control within it. On the right of the LCD…