Author: Keith Kothman

  • (max) week two object roundup

    It never feels like we make as much progress as expected in week 2. It’s natural to review a bit, and make sure that everyone grasps the opening round of material. New objects for week 2: dial – a UI (user interface) element that outputs numbers using an onscreen dial. It can also respond to…

  • (max) assignment 1 – build an arpeggiator

    due by beginning of class, 1/13 Build an  arpeggiator that plays a some type of 9th chord (voiced however you would like) above a played MIDI note, either in order stored or randomly, that starts with the playing of a MIDI note, and stops when you release the note. To summarize: arpeggio should start when…

  • (max) week one object roundup

    With an eye towards having you recreate the arpeggiator patcher that I demonstrated in class, without the benefit of any example patchers, I’m going to give a very brief summary for each object I used so far. notein – receive MIDI note messages, from external MIDI devices, or from other software applications. noteout – send MIDI…

  • (max) documentation and help

    Max comes with an extensive, built-in help system, electronic documentation, and tutorials. help in patchers While working in a patcher, you have a variety of help and assistance options available. <option>-click on any object (object, message, UI element, etc.) to bring up a working help patcher that explains what the object does and provides working…

  • (max) purchasing max 7, using max 6

    I just received definitive word from Cycling ’74 that you can indeed purchase (or subscribe) to Max 7 and then downgrade to use Max 6. Decide on whether you want to purchase the software ($250) or subscribe for one year ($59). If you choose to subscribe, there is no subsequent discount towards a standard purchase.…

  • (max) setting up max preferences

    Once you’ve downloaded Max, you’ll want to adjust some preferences. I’m linking to a previous post on what I recommend. (complete with pictures)

  • (max) opening day, 2015

    business stuff MUST 342 combines with MUST 592 (undergrad and grad) for this semester. Make sure you get the right syllabus: MUST 342 Syllabus MUST 592 Syllabus You should all have studio access with your ID cards – if not now, then very soon. Make sure you read the Studio Policy guide, at max –…

  • (analyticTech) opening day – class business

    business stuff The Blackboard site hasn’t been created yet. (The current 621 site on Bb was created by another teacher. It is being deleted and replaced.) You can download the syllabus, as it currently exists. MUST621.1.Kothman atonal intervals and pitch class sets I’m starting out with a review of atonal interval and pitch class set basics.…

  • (sonicarts) bouncing to disk – finishing your logic pro midi project

    To complete your final project, you will need to bounce to disk – just as you did before for your negative space and multitrack projects. Bouncing to disk will render* your software instrument tracks as well as any digital audio tracks in your project, and mix them all down to a single stereo audio file.…

  • (sonicarts) midi and synthesis listening

    We’ve typically been listening to composers outside of the pop/rock/electronica domain as we have worked through experimenting and transforming sound into new musical uses. For the purposes of the final project, it would be useful to listen to some artists who are primarily associated with the popular sphere of electronic music that work at creating interesting synthesis…