(maxmsp) Assignment 1 (Modified): Create a WordPress.com Account, Reading

Due Friday, 1/11/08.

Go to wordpress.com, the host of this blog, and create an account for yourself. Once you’ve created an account for yourself, let me know by posting a comment to this assignment. If your real name is not readily apparent from your username, please let me know who you are.

If you already have a wordpress account, simply post a comment to the assignment.

One of the big advantages of using a blog to manage course materials is that discussion capabilities are built in. If you respond to lecture notes and/or assignment posts with your questions as they come up (rather than saving it for the next class and struggling on your homework), I or other class members can provide you with help in a convenient time frame. And the only way you can post a comment to my blog is to have a wordpress account. (This cuts down on spam.)

WordPress.com has a big button in the upper right that lets you create an account or blog. You don’t need to create a blog to have an account, creating an account is free, and I never get unwanted email from wordpress. (In other words, there is no downside.) If you have problems creating an account, email me, or see me during the day.


Due Wednesday, 1/9/08

From the Max46Fundamentals.pdf:

  • Introduction, pp. 5 – 8
  • Overview, pp. 12 – 36


14 responses to “(maxmsp) Assignment 1 (Modified): Create a WordPress.com Account, Reading”

  1. pwmarquissee Avatar

    This is my comment to let you know I have created my account.

    Paul Marquissee

  2. rhinoceros looks at the moon


    ed mellen

  3. ballpython06 Avatar

    Yay… Theory.

  4. winewbill Avatar

    Hey again

  5. ldbradley Avatar

    Posting on a blog with words

  6. mabrown3 Avatar

    Hey this is me.

    Michael Brown

  7. marduktheomnipitent Avatar

    Cesarz reporting…

  8. Chris Ross, present and accounted for sir.

  9. joshlockwood Avatar

    par·tic·i·pa·tion- an act or instance of participating.

  10. bradadams Avatar


  11. dmfrench Avatar

    Interesting to see personalities on display through comment style…

  12. amshiplet Avatar

    hey i made an account…


  13. gjkarvasale Avatar

    better late then never

    jerry k

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