(musth 212) Listen/Look Assignment: Messiaen, Carter, and Ligeti

For Monday, 2/18/12:

Finish reading chapter 6 in the textbook, including the section on polymeter and tempo modulation.

Listen (with the score) to

  • Olivier Messiaen, Quatuor pour la fin du temps, Liturgie de Cristal (pp. 544 – 550). (Quartet for the End of Time) Also listen to the Mov’t VI, Dance of the Furies of the Seven Trumpets. I’ll bring a score to class to look at.
  • Györgi Ligeti, Galamb Borong, from Etudes for Piano, Book II (pp. 567 – 574). Notice the rhythmic inconsistencies for the notation of any value longer than a sixteenth. Also pay attention to the rhythmic alignment of the melodic parts emphasized in the two hands (right hand is the top staff; left had covers the lower two staves).
  • And if you have time, Elliott Carter, Canaries, No. 7 from Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (pp. 551 – 553). We won’t get to this piece until Wednesday.


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