Category: computerMusic1
(sonicArts) online storage
I’ve been pushing iLocker in class, an online storage solution offered to all of you from Ball State. (I won’t call it free, given what you pay in technology and student services fees, not to mention tuition.) but… If you don’t have a good FTP program, or otherwise know how to set it up on…
digital performer intro, part 2
part one of the digital performer intro is here Importing Audio and the Soundbites Window You can drag and drop audio from a Finder window into the Soundbites pane in Digital Performer. Audio imported into your project gets converted to the project audio format, and copied into the Audio Files folder within your project folder.…
digital performer intro
Digital Performer and DAWs Unlike stereo audio editors (Audacity, Peak, Audition), Digital Performer is an example of a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Digital Performer relies (mostly) on non-destructive processing and mixing. The program allows for multiple sounds to be used at once by reading from the multiple sound files, applying gain changes as indicated by…
(compMus1) Freespace problems on the server
Problem: You get an error message that says that there is not enough free space on the server when you try to copy your project files to my drop box on the musictech server. Solution: You need to clear out space on YOUR server folder. Server allocation limits (disk quotas) are tied to the user,…
(compMus1) Quiz update – Listening List
The listening/identification portion of the quiz is still on for Thursday. We’ll do the listening portion in class, with the remainder of the quiz completed at home and turned in on Monday. Everything you need for the listening quiz is in this post.
(compMus1) No class on 4/28; Quiz Update
I’m sick and won’t be able to make it in for classes tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/28). The quiz on Thursday will be a take-home quiz. I’ll give it to you Thursday, and it will be do Monday. Keep an eye on the blog for more updates.
(compMus1) The Vocoder in Reason
Vocoders use a type of cross synthesis. Cross synthesis involves using the parameters of one sound to synthesize or process similar parameters in another sound. In the case of a vocoder, the amplitudes of frequency bands of a modulation audio signal are used to set the gain levels for bandpass filters that are applied to…
(compMus1) Final Project Document in iLocker
The handout describing the final project is in my iLocker account.
(compMus1) Controller Numbers for the Matrix Pattern Sequencer
You can use MIDI continuous controllers to start and stop the Matrix Pattern Sequencer, and to change patterns. CC #92 will enable the pattern sequencer. A value of 1 play-enables the sequencer (the sequencer will run/play); a value of 0 disables playback (stops the sequencer). CC #3 selects the pattern for playback, and can be…
(compMus1) Blackboard and Social Networking Info
For all of my blogging, I’ve been a little lax in communicating about the other online connection points for the music technology program. With the end of the semester approaching, it seems like time for a rundown. Blackboard There is a music technology program group on Blackboard. You should be automatically enrolled as a music…