Category: lectureNotes_cm1
(compMus1) Listening List 1
The first quiz is February 5, which includes a short listening list. Audio files are here. You will be responsible for knowing the name of the composer, title, and year(s) composed. Pierre Schaeffer: Etude Aux Chemins De Fer, 1948 John Cage: Williams Mix, 1952 Otto Luening: Low Speed, 1952 Hugh Le Caine: Dripsody, 1955 Edgard…
(compMus1) Class Intro – Creativity, Composition, and Computer Music
This is just a general outline of what was covered in the first class. Creativity and Composition Creativity is a trait or practice that applies to many domains and activities. Composition is one specific domain of creativity Creativity can be learned. Creative Process Far from being mystical, most researchers have identified a consistent method to…
(compMus1) Class Intro – The Business
MuMet 140: Computer Music 1 The syllabus is archived in my iLocker account: The highlights I (Keith Kothman) am the teacher of record for all sections. David Schultz will be handling most of the teaching duties for section three once we get moving. This course focuses on introductory computer music topics, ranging from basic…
(compMus1) Update on DP and Reason — IMPORTANT
USE DP 5 !!!!! It seems that anyone who has started the project has run into a problem using DP 4 with Reason. I’ve been in the lab and have encountered the problem (repeatedly). The only reliable solution I’ve come up with is to use DP 5! What Changes? From the previous post on this…
(compMus1) Using Reason with Digital Performer
Rewire Reason and Digital Performer communicate using Rewire, which allows for audio and MIDI communication between separate applications. You can get a full explanation at the Propellerheads web site. For our purposes, you need to know that Rewire treats one application as the “master” device, and the other application as the “slave.” When using Reason…
(compMus1) Intro to MIDI
To start things off, here are some useful readings: MIDI Manufacturer’s Association pay close attention to “The Technology of MIDI” sections. Look at the first table in “MIDI Messages”. The “MIDI and Music Synthesis” page is especially good too. Wikipedia MIDI entry Since it is getting close to “the end,” I’ll post an outline of…
(compMus1) Quiz 3 Review
Thursday’s review was based entirely on past posts (and assigned readings). Here are the links again. Ignore them at your own peril. Listening List 3 Analog Synthesis Readings Intro to Analog Synthesis More Analog Synthesis, LFO’s and Filters Modulation Synthesis
(compMus1) Modulation Synthesis
General Modulation synthesis uses the output of one oscillator (operating at an audio rate) to change (modulate) some parameter of another oscillator. The oscillator that is having its parameter changed is referred to as the carrier. The oscillator that is affecting the parameter change is referred to as the modulator. In general, modulation synthesis will…
(compMus1) Quiz 3/Listening List 3 update
Quiz 3 will be Tuesday, April 17th. It will cover Analog Synthesis and Listening. Listening List 3: Michel Chion: Requiem, Dies Irae (1973) John Chowning: Stria (1978) Steve Reich: Come Out (1966) Terry Riley: A Rainbow in Curved Air (1967) Morton Subotnick: Silver Apples of the Moon (1968) mp3’s of the pieces are now available…
(compMus1) Brief Overview of Reason and the SubTractor Analog Synth
Reason [Documentation for Reason is located on the musictechxserve, manuals volume.] Reason uses the visual or organizational metaphor of a rack filled with audio equipment (synthesizers, samplers, sequencers, reverb units, mixers, etc.). Before you begin, make sure that Reason’s Preferences are set to use the audio interface of your choice, and that the Control Surfaces…