Category: computerMusic1
(compMus1) EM | Three Concert
The third EM concert of the year is tonight, at 8 pm in Sursa Hall. The program is a mix of advanced student and guest works. Remember, as listed in the syllabus, that you are expected to attend EM concerts.
(compMus1) Combining Synths in Reason, Part 2
Following up on part 1 of this topic, controlling multiple synths that are being used as one involves setting up Digital Performer to output a MIDI track to more than one port/channel, and enabling the Multi-Record option in DP to specify what MIDI input device gets used for a specific MIDI track. MIDI tracks in…
(compMus1) Combining Synths in Reason, Part 1
I wasn’t sure how to name this post. I’m going to go over how you can combine synths in Reason for expanded synthesis and control capabilities. In this context, multiple synths are used to produce one composite output. For example, you can combine two (or more) Subractors to have four (or more) oscillators in your…
(compMus1) Basic Guide to Starting a DP/Reason Project
I know that I need to catch up with lecture notes on analog synthesis, but I think some brief reminders about how to start up with DP and Reason will be of more immediate help. Starting a project using Digital Performer and Reason requires setting up a number of audio and midi connections, and getting…
(compMus1) Listening List 3
The final quiz will during the last week of class. The final listening list is below. Audio can be accessed through the 140 folder in my iLocker account. Michel Chion: Requiem, Dies Irae (1973) John Chowning: Stria (1978) Brian Eno: Unfamiliar Wind (Leeks Hills) (1978 – 1982) Paul Lansky: Six Fantasies on a Poem by…
(compMus1) Korg Kontrol49 Editor in DAWs
Jeff has installed the Korg Kontrol 49 Editor/Librarian in DAWs 4, 5, and 8.
(compMus1) Quiz 2 Review
The second quiz will be on 3/17. It includes a listening section and questions about MIDI, synthesis controls, sampler architecture, and early history of electronic music. The second listening list is online. You need to know composer and title for each work. Both will be listed on the sheet. From the Intro to MIDI post,…
(compMus1) DP, Reason, and Continuous Controllers
We’ve had a problem routing MIDI continuous controllers (CC’s) through Digital Performer to Reason using Rewire. Using CC’s allows you to automate more parameters than can be done with Mod Wheel (all front panel knobs and sliders can be automated). I’ve finally pieced together the solution. Interapplication MIDI from Digital Performer The first part of…
(compMus1) Reading Assignment: Ch. 1 (UPDATED)
DUE WEDNESDAY, 3/4, VIA EMAIL TO KKOTHMAN Read all of Chapter 1 in E/E, and answer the following questions: How did Gray’s Musical Telegraph create sound vibrations? (What initiated the vibration, and what vibrated? What was the title of the important book on sound that Helmholtz published in 1863, and how did he demonstrate the…
(compMus1) Creative Project 2 Due Date Postponed
The deadline for the second creative project is being moved back to March 24, giving you over a week after returning from Spring Break to finish the project.