Category: computerMusic3
(maxmsp) metro synchronization
My metro synchronization patcher is uploaded (synchRhythm.maxpat), with some comments and enhancements. There is also a subpatcher (p noSync) that provides the entire patcher without sync capabilities. Play with the time values of the second metro object to see how easy it is to get the two metros out of sync. The very basic info…
(maxmsp) midiinfo, loadbang, loadmess
midiinfo The midiinfo object can report on currently available MIDI inputs and outputs, outputting this information in a format that can be stored as items in a umenu object. Look at the example patcher midiinfoLoadbang.maxpat. A bang into the left inlet of midiinfo sends out midi outputs. Check the print window to see that it…
(maxmsp) timer and tempo detection
The timer object can be used for detecting elapsed time between events. By default, it tells you the time in milliseconds out its left outlet, but it also can output a formatted time value (hh:mm:ss or beats/bars/tics, for example) out the right outlet. Bang in the left inlet starts the timer. Bang in the right…
(maxmsp) Selecting and Counting
Some additional explanations that will help with Assignment 2. You will constantly need to test data in some way, looking for a particular value to trigger execution of some action, or looking for certain values to move separately from other values. While MaxMSP has a full set of Boolean operators (operators that test conditions like…
(maxmsp) Converting Instructions to Patcher
The first midi programming assignment always creates difficulties. The biggest problem is translating the instructions step by step into a working patcher. I’m going to explain the process using the first problem from Assignment 2. Part of the problem is that we tend to try and start at the top of the instruction list and…
(maxmsp) Quiz Reminder
We’ll have a quiz on Monday. It will cover: basic math, including the difference between integer and floating-point math (arguments, number boxes, etc.) labeling print objects and how they display in the max window order of operation (left-to-right, top-to-bottom) the use of the trigger (t) object for specifying operation order proper use of the stripnote…
(maxmsp) storing in a table, converting velocity to time
I just cleaned up and uploaded the demo patchers from wednesday (w3d2a, and w3d2b) in iLocker. 2a has the conversion program to convert velocity to musical time values suitable for a metro object. The only different from class is that once you divide you really have index values that should be sent to a umenu…
(maxmsp) drunk, urn, coll
Class demo patchers are up in iLocker. (w3d3a.maxpat, w3d3b.maxpat, and w3d3c.maxpat) My rounding patchers are also there now. Randomness The drunk object output a random number confined to a given range and step size. The step size argument minus one sets the maximum size of the step. Zero steps are possible with any step size,…
(maxmsp) Assignment 2: MIDI Patchers
Due Monday, January 31 We need to start programming some patchers to build up skills ahead of our first big MIDI project. Towards this goal, I want you to create the following Max/MSP patchers, each as a separate patcher/file. 1) A gesture generator/arpeggiator patcher that Uses a pressed MIDI key for transposition input and to…
(maxmsp) set, umenu, transport, musical time syntax
Demo patchers are uploaded. One shows order of operation with a breakpoints; the other shows musical time syntax with a few extra objects: set, umenu, and transport. Order of Operation Musical Time Both patchers are fully commented. Poke around.