For your second assignment, due Tuesday 1/20 by class, use patcher (p), send (s), and receive (r) objects to create a cleaner looking version of your arpeggiator patcher. You should also add external MIDI CC control of durations, using ctlin and scale, and add computer keyboard control of the gate that switches output to the random object or counter.
Important: start by making a copy of your working arpeggiator patcher, either by duplicating it in the finder, or by using the Save As… command from within Max.
For encapsulation (p objects), you might want to consider:
- The part of the patcher that controls the gate output with computer keyboard commands.
- The part of the patcher that handles note input and stripnote.
- The part of the patcher that receives MIDI CC and scales it for durations.
- The interval generating part of the patcher contains the random and counter objects, and the table object.
- The part of the patcher that generates and sends notes, and sends program out changes. You can combine makenote, noteout, and pgmout into one output object with appropriate inlets and no outlets.
For send and receive, you might want to consider the following possibilities (not necessarily exhaustive):
- MIDI note input from stripnote to the add object after the table.
- MIDI key velocity that controls the starting and stopping of the metro (controlling the toggle connected to the metro).
- Duration changes to the metro and the makenote objects.
As a minimum, you should add three encapsulations and use at least two examples of send/receive.
Email me your finished assignment (as an attachment), and be sure to include your name in the filename.
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