Category: 20th-21stCenturyMusic

  • (21stCent) Morton Feldman Reading and Listening

    I’m going to hold off on the psychological perception articles for now. Instead, I’m linking to some texts by and about Morton Feldman. Next week I’m going to present Feldman and his work Triadic Memories for solo piano. The duration of this work is right around 1:30 (one hour and thirty minutes). It can stretch…

  • (21stCent) Atonal Theory Review

    Links to review material on atonal/set theory, based on the Introduction to Post-Tonal Theory by Joseph Straus, and taken from my undergrad course on 20th-century music: Intervals in atonal theory Pitch class set analysis, part 1 and part 2. Although I didn’t go over this in class, you can find my material for serialism and…

  • (21stCent) Ligeti Listening

    The next composer we will cover is György Ligeti, a Hungarian composer who spent most of his professional life in Germany. We will actually take two passes at Ligeti, looking first at two mid-period works from the 1960s, before later looking at some late-period works from the 1980s – early 2000. Start with Lux Aeterna…

  • (21stCent) Webern Listening

    Review Materials Short summaries of interval class, pitch set analysis, and 12-tone serialism are on this site from my teaching of MUSTH 212. Intervals in atonal theory Pitch-class set analysis (and here) 12-tone serialism Audio Files I’ve put mp3 files for the Webern listening (for Wednesday) in my iLocker account. Any files I put online…