Category: lectureNotes_cm1
(compMus1) Digital Audio Properties
Digital audio quality is determined by two properties: sampling rate and bit resolution. The sampling rate determines how often amplitude has been measured per second (per channel). The sampling rate determines the highest frequency that can be represented accurately. To get an accurate measurement for a particular frequency, you must measure amplitude at least twice…
(compMus1) SoundHack and Cecilia Downloading
SoundHack is only available for the Macintosh. I haven’t seen anything like it for Windows. You can get it from, in the freeware section, or directly from here. Cecilia is a bit trickier. I’ve posted the mac version on my ilocker account, Get the cecilia2-5.tar file. Online versions may not include the warper…
(compMus1) Publisher Textbook Web Resources
That sound unwieldy. A companion web site for E/E is online at the publisher’s site. So far, I haven’t gotten it to work. But the book promises a glossary, links page, and self-quizzes, among other things.
(compMus1) Digital Performer Basics
I’m going to keep going over how to use Digital Performer, but for now, some helpful tidbits. Beyond the manual, DP has very useful online help. Under the help menu you can find context sensitive help for the active window, as well as more comprehensive help (Digital Performer Help). You should either read the DP…
(compMus1) Project 1 Workflow
Since project 1 calls for you to use at least two different programs, and you will create a lot of files over the course of the project, it is helpful to have a grasp of workflow for the project. The first thing you need to do is gather your source recordings. Remember, these recordings need…
(compMus1) Peak errors
This is a recurring problem, and one that needs to go in Jeff’s studio blog. When trying to perform almost any edit or process in Peak, users will often encounter an error to the effect: Unable to perform <process>. All scratch disks may be full, , or the process may have been canceled. This is…
(compMus1) Analog and Digital
The terms analog and digital only have meaning for audio when it is recorded or reproduced using electronic means (including computers). Fundamental Stuff Analog is continuous; Digital is discrete Analog refers to analogous (one thing is similar to another thing); Digital refers to numbers. Analog Recording/Reproduction Fundamental principle: transduction (the changing of energy from one…
(compMus1) Audio Properties
For our purposes, we’re interested in a limited set of properties of audio, but we want to make sure that we distinguish between what is a physical property and what is a perceptual property, and what properties relate to one another. Physical Properties (Acoustics) Frequency Amplitude Spectrum Perceptual Properties (Psychoacoustic) Pitch (related to frequency) Amplitude…
(compMus1) Collecting Sounds
You will need sound files for your concrete music project. There are a number of places you can look for free, prerecorded sounds to use. On the Macs you should find an iLife Sound Effects folder. The easiest way to find it is to choose the local hard disk and search for “iLife Effects”. Online,…
(compMus1) Fundamental Traits of Electronic Music
From E/E: The sound resources available to electronic music are unlimited. (You are not limited to the sounds of traditional musical instruments.) Electronic music can expand the perception of tonality. (Microtonality, or any arbitrary division of the octave is possible. The de-emphasis of pitch – noise- is also just as possible as pitch.) Electronic music…