Category: lectureNotes_cm1

  • (compMus1) More Analog Synthesis, LFO's and Filters

    LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator): an oscillator that is optimized to generate sub-audio-rate waveforms, generally from 0 Hz to ~35 Hz (slightly above audio threshold). Used for modulating parameters of other generators or processors. Filter:  Any device designed for the purpose of boosting and/or cutting frequencies within specified frequency ranges. What to Know About Filters (for…

  • (compMus1) Intro to Analog Synthesis

    Just an outline of highlights from today’s lecture – look at the readings for more in-depth reference. Analog Synthesis and the Classical Electronic Studio General  Time period: 1950s – early 80s Analog synthesis: generates/modifies electrical signals that fluctuate in an analogous (similar) manner to air pressure fluctuations. Voltage Control Modular Synthesis Categories of Equipment in…

  • (compMus1) Time Compression/Expansion – Fourier Transform and Phase Vocoding

    Somehow this didn’t make it to the blog after the lecture… Classic “concrete” techniques With classic tape techniques, the only way to change the duration of a recorded sound is to change the speed of the tape. (Which also changes pitch.) Same is true if all you want is a pitch change. (Duration changes) Computer…

  • (compMus1) Bouncing to Disk/Finishing Your Mix in DP

    The final step in completing a project with Digital Performer is to create a stereo mix that you can burn to an audio CD. Follow this process: In the Sequence Editor window, either “Edit | Select All” or drag-select across all tracks for the time area that you want to mix to stereo. (Note: to…

  • (compMus1) Granular Synthesis

    Overview Any sound can be thought of as containing discrete particles. (Mosaic or Pointillism) A grain of sound typically lasts from 1 to 100 ms. Each grain shaped by an amplitude envelope. Sound parameters (pitch, panning, duration, envelope, location in sound file, wave type, etc) change on a grain-by-grain basis. Parameters are static within each…

  • (compMus1) Individual Meeting Time

    Next week (2/27 and 3/1) I’ll meet with you individually to go over your second creative project. We can talk about what you’ve done so far, what you could do to make things more creative, and what you need to do meet the project requirements. Please email me (kkothman [at] bsu [dot] edu) your preferred…

  • (compMus1) Lecture Notes: Getting Started with SoundHack

    You can download SoundHack at <>. We’ll be using two processes in SoundHack right now. Both are located in the Hack menu. Varispeed: Continuously variable changing playback speed (without pitch correction). Phase Vocoder: time compression/expansion and pitch change independent of each other. For Varispeed: You can set upper and lower limits for the draw box.…

  • (compMus1) Lecture Notes – Digital Performer

    Just to remind all of you about the Digital Performer issues discussed in class (2/5): Save often. DP 4.12 crashes. Set your Time Formats (Setup | Time Formats) to Real Time for this project (all formats and rulers) Insert a tempo change into the conductor track so that a quarter note = 60 beats/minute. The…

  • (compMus1) Previous Lecture Notes

    To save space, and the number of posts, I’m just going to list links to previous lecture notes. Class Intro/Computer Music Intro Digital and Analog Audio Digital Recording and Peak Music Concrete Quiz 1 Review From now on, I’ll post a link to each day’s lecture notes in an individual blog post.