Category: computerMusic3
(maxmsp) basic synth controls
Uploaded example patchers: BasicSynthNumbers.maxpat and BasicSynthEnvelopes.maxpat Both of the example patchers show how to control frequency to an oscillator using a float number box into a line object. The two patchers also show how to create a simple ADSR amplitude envelope control. The “numbers” patcher uses number boxes to specify segment length in ms, and…
(maxmsp) Basic Additive Synth Assignment
Due Friday (3/4), via email Create a basic synthesis patcher that allows for two-0scillator additive synthesis, and create five interesting presets to demonstrate your synth. Use BasicSynthEnvelopes.maxpat as your model. (BasicSynthNumbers.maxpat also uploaded) Requirements: Two oscillators required; oscillator type may be oscil~, saw~, or triangle~. First oscillator has a float number box to input frequency.…
(maxmsp) dsp status in maxMSP
Audio interface preferences are handled slightly differently in Max than most other audio programs, and you have levels of control that you need to understand. DSP Status The DSP Status window is equivalent to audio preferences in most other audio programs. You get to the window via the Options menu. You can turn audio on…
(maxmsp) line~ and meter~
Two objects worthy of a special mention right from the start are line~ and meter~. If you have any sound experience at all you keep track of your visual indicators (meters) to make sure sound isn’t clipping at some point in the signal chain. In MaxMSP you have the meter~ object (and the more picturesque…
(maxmsp) MSP and audio-rate communication
Moving Max into the digital audio realm: MSP The MSP part of Max stands for Max Signal Processing (or the initials of one its creators, Miller S. Puckette). It extends the original functionality of Max by adding objects for audio synthesis and signal processing. As you wade into the realm of digital audio in MaxMSP,…
Festival of New Music 2011
Concerts continue through the weekend. Tonight (Friday) at 7:30; Saturday at 11, 3, and 7:30. Festival of New Music-2011(FINAL) (note: the formatting is for printing and folding for physical programs. The order of concerts is not sequential across pages.)
(maxmsp) adding functionality with reuse
Couldn’t think of a great title. You can make use of the different little patchers you’ve made for assignments by bringing them in to your performance patch. The easiest way to do this is to use the patcher object (p) — at least it makes it easy to bring a lot of different functions in…
(maxmsp) presentation mode
Demo patcher: presentationMode.maxpat In addition to having a patcher be locked or unlocked (for performance or editing), Max makes use of two viewing modes: patcher or presentation. We’ve been working with patcher mode so far. Presentation mode allows you to create a user interface containing only the objects you need to see, and to arrange…
(maxmsp) Project 1 Guidelines
Working version due 2/23. In-Class Performance 2/23 (and 2/25 if needed). Revisions due 2/28. Using Max/MSP create an interactive/algorithmic performance patcher and perform a short interactive MIDI work during class. Projects should meet the following guidelines: Performances should last at least 1 minute (longer if very sparse or slow). Patchers should generate MIDI notes (using…