Category: max-lecturenotes
(maxmsp) Lecture Notes: coll, iter, key, timer
Uncommented patches are in iLocker. Look for day7x-scratch.txt files. (3 files) Commented versions will follow. New objects: coll: stores lists of data with arbitrarily assignable index symbols. Lists don’t have to be same length, and through the intelligent use of symbols you can recall data with musically meaningful names. iter: like unpack, it breaks a…
(maxmsp) Lecture Notes: Rhythm and Storing Notes
The example patch (day6.txt) from Friday is in iLocker. New objects: urn: unrepeating random number. Once all numbers are output, then you have to send a clear message to start over. Urn also sends a bang when it outputs all the numbers. int and float: allow you store numbers with or without outputting them. In…
(maxmsp) Lecture Notes: selecting and comparing
Todays example patch is posted (day5.txt). We’re building a toolbox of objects that can help us automate a MIDI performance environment. Today we covered: stripnote: only passes MIDI noteon messages through comparison operators, like <, >, <=, >=, ==, and !=. If the result of the comparison is true, then the resulting output is 1;…
(maxmsp) Update on Example Patchers
I’ve reformatted the example patchers and reposted to iLocker. The patchers now have the .txt extension, meaning that they have been saved as text files. There is no special conversion that you have to do to open them in Max. Simply launch MaxMSP, then choose File -> Open…, and choose the desired patcher. Let me…
(maxmsp) Example Patchers now in iLocker
Since I’ve heard that there have been problems downloading the patcher links, I’ve also put the example patchers in my iLocker account (BSU_SHARED folder). You can get there by following the link: Enter your BSU username and password for access. I’ll also put the link in the sidebar of the blog in the Keith…
(maxmsp) Lecture Notes: table, counter, gate, and menu
Comments I chose to use a comment to my previous post to clarify something that we covered in class today (the use of gate instead of switch). Problems with the Example Patches Michael Brown emailed me that he had a problem opening the example patches from the blog links. I’m not sure why this isn’t…
(maxmsp) Lecture Notes: Screen Aesthetics, MIDI
The example patch for 1/11. Some things to help you complete your first programming assignment. Make sure you look at the manual pages (Max46ReferenceManual.pdf) and help files for new objects that we cover in class. On Friday we covered: notein, and noteout makenote random kbslider slider dial table Some tips for table: double-click the table…
(maxmsp) Turning in Assignments
We’ll use the musictechxserve to turn in assignments and files. Unless otherwise specified, use this procedure: Name your file with your last name and the assignment number. If you have multiple files, you can put them all in a single folder, and name the folder with your last name and assignment number. Connect and login…
(maxmsp) Lecture Notes: Help, Objects, and Messages
Program Help Documentation is available in the Documentation sub-folder of the MaxMSP 4.6 application folder. The Max46Fundamentals.pdf and Max46Tutorials.pdf files are useful at the beginning. The Max46Reference.pdf covers every object available in Max. Note that documentation with the “Max” prefix refer to the non-audio objects. “MSP” labeled doc’s deal with the audio objects. Mouseover help…
(maxmsp) Lecture Notes: Basic Programming
Learning to program requires: Learning how to describe a problem or task as a series of discrete steps. Learning how a particular programming language handles data, user interaction, input/output, and program flow. Describing a Task I can supply a formula for converting temperature in Farenheit to temperature in Celsius. (TempF° – 32°) * 5/9 =…