Category: computerMusic3

  • (maxmsp) Demo Patchers and More Basics

    I uploaded two demo patchers to iLocker. (day03a.maxpat and day03b.maxpat) day03a just adds ctlin/ctlout and pgmout to the basic note pass through patcher from day 1. day03b adds two ways to control the toggle of the random arpeggiator patcher. The first way uses a midi key to turn the toggle on and off (user control).…

  • (maxmsp) Post Title Update

    Not exciting, but a necessary bookkeeping thing… I looked back over old posts, and it turns out that I hadn’t been very consistent with my post title tag for computer music 3/mumet 242. I changed the title tag (the part I put in parentheses at the beginning of the title) to “maxmsp.” Why it helps?…

  • (maxmsp) Programming and Max Basics

    Basic things you should know about programming and Max/MSP. Programming Basics Objects act on data. They do something. The object may already contain the data it needs to act, or it may receive the data from some other object. Messages are the data being passed between objects. In Max/MSP/Jitter anything that you place into the…

  • (maxmsp) Reading Assignment: Zicarelli

    Read David Zicarelli, “How I learned to Love a Program that Does Nothing.” Although Zicarelli was not one of the original developers of Max, he is the head of Cycling ’74 which now develops and markets it. Take notes on the reading. I could ask you a few questions about in quiz form Friday. If…

  • (maxmsp) First Assignment: Tutorials

    Your first assignment will be to do the Max Tutorials: Basic, 1 – 7 (through numerical user interfaces) MIDI 1 & 2 Due 1/17 (Monday). The point of the tutorials, and this assignment, is to get you familiar with basic processes and help facilities in Max/MSP. I could assign something different, but these tutorials are…

  • (maxmsp) Day 1 Example Patcher

    A significantly cleaned up and commented version of the first day patcher I demo’ed is in my iLocker account. I made multiple versions of the patcher, incorporating add-on functionality into a new patcher for each step. Scroll down for each successively more involved patcher. I plan on using this starting patcher as my way…

  • (maxmsp) Opening Day

    Business on the web – fun in class… The Course Web Site If you made it here, you found the course web site. You can simplify things by using the “Classes/Categories” drop-down menu on the right to search for computerMusic3 posts, or more specifically, lecturenotes_cm3 or assignments_cm3. You can also use the Search box to…

  • (maxmsp) Gain slider, delay line intro

    2/24/10 patchers are in iLocker. (It can be easier to grab multiple files using Fetch, available for free from UCS, or some other Windows/Mac FTP program. The server is, and the directory is /users/kkothman/BSU_SHARED/242/examplePatchers.) New patchers: MSPBasic1f – a different way of sending target value and ramp time to line~ MSPBasic2b – gain~ slider,…

  • (maxmsp) MSP reading and tutorial assignment 1

    The documentation and tutorial text is online at: You can read online without having the application. Read the following sections of the documentation for MSP: MSP Introduction How MSP Works Audio I/O Go through MSP Tutorials 1 – 5. These tutorials do not require you to modify anything, but I want you make a…

  • (maxmsp) MSP basic demo patchers

    Demo patchers from yesterday’s lecture are in iLocker. Look for patchers MSPBasic1[a – e].maxpat. Outline of topics covered: Digital Audio basics relating to how computers generate audio samples (in blocks, or vectors). The larger the vector sample size, the less strain on the computer, more latency. Audio Rate and Control Rate, pertaining to patch cord…